Animatronic BB-8

By: Matthew Winchell

Why Build a Droid?

The first teaser for the Force Awakens back in 2015 revealed a droid that could somehow balance its head on a moving ball! People went bonkers, and almost immedietaly, a builders group was found.

Like the R2D2 Builders Group, the BB-8 Builders Group seeks to share and create their own BB units. I was merely 12 when the teaser was released. Since then, I have only dreamed of having a spherical droid companion at my side. Now as a high schooler, I can make that dream a reality.

Elevator Pitch & Project Demonstration


The Process

BB-8 is not a simple robot. Quite frankly, it is far more complex than an R2 unit. The main problem to solve was how BB-8’s head would balance as the main ball was moving. Whether BB-8 is moving forward or back, right or left, that dome needs to stay on top.

The CAD to the right shows only the mechanical parts that make up BB-8's mechanism. The majority of the parts are 3D printed.

This design is inspired by BB-8 builder David Ferreira


BB-8 Poster 2021.pptx


If you would like to reach out to me, my email can be found on my resume below.

If you would like to see an expanded look at BB-8, I invite you to check out my portfolio website:

BB-8 and other projects of mine can be found there.