Biometric Security System

Arinjay Singh

Engineering I - Spring Project Final Poster.pdf

Technical Poster

This technical poster provides an abstract of my project as well as in depth descriptions about each of the key components. The aspects of my project featured in the poster include the solenoid lock mechanism, circuit diagram, program flowchart, and a system schematic.

Elevator Pitch

This elevator pitch is a succinct overview of my project that explains what I created and why.

Engineering I - Spring Project Elevator

Project Demonstrations

Enroll Demo.MOV

Enroll Fingerprint Demonstration

To enroll a fingerprint, simply press the "enroll" button and follow the instructions displayed by the LCD screen as shown in the video. This process adds the given fingerprint to the sensor's onboard database. Every fingerprint stored in this database will have the ability to unlock the box. The sensor can store up to 162 fingerprints.

Unlock Box Demonstration

To unlock the box, press the "unlock" button and follow the subsequent instructions on the LCD screen. If the given fingerprint is valid, the screen will display "Access granted" and unlock. Otherwise, it will display "Access denied" and remain locked. If unlocked, the user has 10 seconds before the box locks again.

Unlock Demo.MOV

Design Process


My first prototype of the lockbox was created using a laser-cut box made of cardboard. Additionally, this version of my project could only unlock/lock and needed to be connected to a computer in order to function.

Final Project

My final project uses a laser-cut box made of wood. Furthermore, with the addition of two buttons, the user can choose whether they would like to enroll a fingerprint into the database or attempt to unlock the box. It is also capable of functioning on its own, without the assistance of a computer.