Applied Science & Engineering

The assignment: You've spent the last two years learning the main pillars of engineering- structures & mechanisms, electronics, and programming. Now put these skills to use in this semester-long project to envision, design, and create an engineering project of your own.

click on images below to visit project pages

Radman Zarbock designs a versatile "one-stop-shop" drone to satisfy almost any drone-related need

Jeslyn Baraceros rethinks COVID vending machines with Contactless Concessions

Kyla Cook challenges your notion of perception with her Distorted Room

Morgan Gutzwiller takes on photography with her 35mm Film Pinhole Camera.

Did Bernie Badain really invent a Mind-Controlled Wheelchair? You be the judge

Reef Sweeney and Justin Mun rethink home defense with a Giant Ballista

Hayden vanSteyn brings the magic of bioluminescence to life with her interactive Ocean Light

Ethan Monk makes a pinball machine flipper mechanism from scratch