Musawer Bidar

Project Poster

Poster that covers the main parts of my project, from inspiration to code and circuit. (You can click on the picture to go to a different website which allows you to zoom in)

Elevator Pitch

Brief summary of how my project works.

Copy of MusawerDemo1.MOV


Demonstration video of my project working.

Bluetooth Modules

To make this project work, I needed a way to send data from my phone to an Arduino. My answer was a Bluetooth Module. These work by transmitting data between two devices, so I could use my phone to send something to an Arduino, which would then take whatever I sent and turn that into a series of actions.



This code is used to control two motors via a wireless bluetooth connection between an android phone and a bluetooth module. The phone sends

a letter which corresponds to a series of movements for the motors

Written by Musawer Bidar

May 28, 2021

Modified code from:


// Setting variables

int enablePinL = 11;

int in1PinL = 10;

int in2PinL = 9;

int in3PinR = 3;

int in4PinR = 4;

int enablePinR = 5;

// Setting pin modes for each used pin

void setup() {

Serial.begin(9600); // Starts the serial monitor for bluetooth module

pinMode(in1PinL, OUTPUT);

pinMode(in2PinL, OUTPUT);

pinMode(enablePinL, OUTPUT);

pinMode(in3PinR, OUTPUT);

pinMode(in4PinR, OUTPUT);

pinMode(enablePinR, OUTPUT);


void loop() {



char data=; // reading the data received from the bluetooth module



// depending on which pins go high and low change whether the motors spins forward or backward

case 'F': // if letter 'F' received from bluetooth module, do this

analogWrite(enablePinL, 150); // turns on left motor

digitalWrite(in1PinL, LOW);

digitalWrite(in2PinL, HIGH);

analogWrite(enablePinR, 150); // turns on right motor

digitalWrite(in3PinR, LOW);

digitalWrite(in4PinR, HIGH);


case 'B': // if letter 'B' received from bluetooth module, do this

analogWrite(enablePinL, 150); // turns on left motor

digitalWrite(in1PinL, HIGH);

digitalWrite(in2PinL, LOW);

analogWrite(enablePinR, 150); // turns on right motor

digitalWrite(in3PinR, HIGH);

digitalWrite(in4PinR, LOW);


case 'L': // if letter 'L' received from bluetooth module, do this

analogWrite(enablePinL, 150); // turns on left motor

digitalWrite(in1PinL, LOW);

digitalWrite(in2PinL, HIGH);

analogWrite(enablePinR, 150); // turns on right motor

digitalWrite(in3PinR, HIGH);

digitalWrite(in4PinR, LOW);


case 'R': // if letter 'R' received from bluetooth module, do this

analogWrite(enablePinL, 150); // turns on left motor

digitalWrite(in1PinL, HIGH);

digitalWrite(in2PinL, LOW);

analogWrite(enablePinR, 150); // turns on right motor

digitalWrite(in3PinR, LOW);

digitalWrite(in4PinR, HIGH);


default : // if nothing received from bluetooth module

analogWrite(enablePinL, 0); // sets motor to 0 speed, turning it off

digitalWrite(in1PinL, LOW);

digitalWrite(in2PinL, HIGH);

analogWrite(enablePinR, 0); // sets motor to 0 speed, turning it off

digitalWrite(in3PinR, LOW);

digitalWrite(in4PinR, HIGH);




