Contactless Concessions!

Jeslyn Baraceros

project poster

  • a colorful poster filled with the purpose of my project, how it functions mechanically, and videos to provide a more in depth look at how the vending machine works. Click on the link attached to the image of the poster for a larger view.


  • quick little synopsis of the purpose of my project, why I decided to build it, and how it works


  • a short video of the vending machine in full action!

prototype #1

this is the first ever prototype of my vending machine concept. As you can see in the back, I used a stepper motor which I ended up replacing with a gear motor since the stepper took up too many pins on the arduino. I also got rid of the flap on the bottom because I wanted the customers to get the full effect of seeing their snack drop all the way to the bottom.

final product

this is the final product! I decided to laser cut wood for the base of the machine and I added barriers to the sides of each motor in order to keep the snacks spinning straight forward instead of off to the side. I also painted the back, sides, and bottom of the vending machine for a more aesthetic finish. If I had more time I would go back and add a clear casing in front of the machine.