Annika Lin

Spring Project Poster - 2021.pdf


Contains details about the lockbox, including the general overview and the mechanical, electrical, and coding aspects of the system. To enlarge the poster, click the "open in new tab" command at the upper left corner.

Elevator Pitch

A quick story on why I chose to do this project!

Engineering I - Elevator


A rundown of how the lockbox works! This video shows how the morse code letters are inputted and how to check if the letters are correctly entered. It also goes into more detail about the mechanical part of the lock mechanism, and how it locks/unlocks the door.

OnShape Design

A rough model of how the box works. To see the lid open, right-click mate and set the number of degrees to -90.


Arduino Code

The Code

The code determines if the combinations inputted match the set morse code letters and the correct order they are in using a series of if statements. Actual code starts at the line : #include <Servo.h>

Click the "open in new tab" button on the upper left-hand corner to see the entire code.